Women Police Constable
Gazette Date: 30/12/2016
Last Date: 01/02/2017
Category No: 526/2016
Applications are invited online only from qualified candidates belonging to reservation group of communities of Kerala State noted below for appointment to the post mentioned below. Application must be submitted online through the Official website of the Commission after One Time Registration at the Commission web site www.keralapsc.gov.in. Candidates who have already registered can apply through their profile. Candidates who have AADHAAR card should add AADHAAR card as I.D. Proof in their profile.
1. Department : Police
2. Name of post : Women Police Constable (Armed Police
Male candidates and differently abled candidates are not eligible to apply
3. Scale of pay : Rs. 22,200 – 48,000/-
4. Number of vacancies : Community wise
Sl Category Community Battalion District Office in No of
No No charge of selection Vacancies
1. OX SAP Thiruvananthapuram 1
The selection in pursuance of this notification will be made for, battalion mentioned above. Candidates appointed to this Battalion will be allowed transfer only to the District Armed Reserves concerned as shown against the battalion noted above.
(i) Applications for the post shall be submitted in online mode only and applications submitted otherwise will be summarily rejected
(ii) Applications submitted by candidates belonging to the communities other than those notified will be summarily rejected. No rejection memo will be issued to such candidates.
(iii) Ranked Lists will be prepared for respective Battalion in pursuance of this notification. Ranked List thus prepared and published by the Commission shall remain in force until
the commencement of the training of the candidates advised against all the NCA Turns identified for the above communities for the respective Battalions during the currency of the Ranked List published for the post as per Category No 198/2015 notified for the above Battalions.
Details of parent Ranked List is furnished below:
Sl No Name of Name of District and Police Category No Date of
Battalion districts coming under the Publication of
Battalion Ranked List
1 SAP Thiruvananthapuram 198/2015 07.06.2016
Revenue District
(Thiruvananthapuram City
and Rural Police Districts)
5. Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment from candidates belonging to
the above mentioned community only
6. Age Limit 1) 18-29 – only candidates born between 2.1.1987 and
1.1.1998 are eligible to apply for this post (both
dates included).
2) 18-31. For candidates belonging to OX community,
who have converted to Christianity from SC
community after attaining 18 years and children of
such parents i.e only candidates born between
2.1.1985 and 1.1.1998 are eligible to apply for this
post (both dates included)
Please see general conditions under Part II of
Gazette Notification for age relaxation.
7. Qualifications (a) Educational:
Pass in S.S.L.C or its equivalent (Rule 10 (a)
(ii) of Part II of the KS&SSR is applicable).
(b) Physical Qualifications:
i) Height : A minimum of 152 cm
ii) Eye Sight : Must be certified to possess the visual standards specified below without glasses.
Vision Right Eye Left Eye
Distant Vision 6/6 Snellen 6/6 Snellen
Near Vision 0.5 Snellen 0.5 Snellen
(a) Each eye must have a full field of vision. Colour blindness, squint or any morbid conditions of the Eye or lids of either eye will be deemed to be a disqualification.
iii) Must be free from apparent physical defects like
Knock-knee, Flat Foot, Varicose vein, Bow legs,
Deformed limbs, irregular and protruding tooth,
Defective speech and hearing.
iv) Must qualify in any five events out of eight events specified below of the National Physical Efficiency, One Star Standard Test.
Sl. Events One Star
No Standards
1. 100 Meters Run 17 Seconds
2. High Jump 1.06 Meters
3. Long Jump 3.05 Meters
4. Putting the Shot (4 kgs) 4.88 Meters
5. 200 Meter runs 36 Seconds
6. Throwing the throw ball 14 Meters
7. Shuttle Race (4 X 25 meter) 26 Seconds
8. Skipping (One Minute) 80 times
The height of candidates will be measured at the time of physical efficiency test and those who do not possess the prescribed height will not be admitted for the physical efficiency test. If accidents or injuries happen to a candidate while participating in the physical efficiency test, she will not be given further chance to participate in the test.
The candidates should produce at the time of physical efficiency test, a Medical Certificate in original in the form prescribed hereunder certifying to their physical fitness and eye sight without glasses and the same shall be uploaded in their profile at the time of Certificate Verification. The Medical Certificate should be one obtained from a Medical Officer under the Government not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon/Junior Consultant
I have this day medically examined Smt……………………………………………….. (Name & address) and found that she has no disease or infirmity, which would render her unsuitable for Government Service. Her age according to her own statement is ………………….. and by appearance is …………………… and her standards of vision is as follows.
Standards of Vision
Right Eye Left Eye
(i) Distant Vision …………….. Snellen ……………. Snellen
(ii) Near Vision ………………Snellen …………….. Snellen
(iii) Field of Vision ………………………..
(Specify whether field of vision is full or not. Entries such as Normal, Good etc are inappropriate here)
(iv) Colour Blindness …………………..
(v) Squint ………………….
(vi) Any morbid condition of the eyes or Lids of Either eye
She is Physically fit for the post of Women Police Constable in the Armed Police Battalion.
Place : Name and Designation of the Medical Officer
Date : (Seal)
Note: Details regarding standards of vision should be clearly stated in the Certificate as given above and vague statement such as Vision `Normal’ ‘average’ etc will not be accepted. Specification for each eye should be stated separately. If the specification are not as indicated above, the officers issuing the Certificate should certify whether the candidate has got better standards of vision or worse standards of vision as the case may be, otherwise the Certificate will not be accepted.
8. Mode of submitting applications:
Candidates must register as per ‘ONE TIME REGISTRATION’ with the official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission www.keralapsc.gov.in before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging on to their profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the ‘Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to applying for a post. The Photograph uploaded should be one taken on or after 31/12/2010. Name of the candidate and the date of taking photograph should be printed at the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall valid for 10 years
from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates shall take a printout of the application by clicking the link Registration Card in their profile. Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission of the application on the profile candidates must ensure correctness of the information on their profile. They must quote the User-ID for further communication with the Commission. Application submitted is provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after submission. The application will be summarily rejected if noncompliance with the notification is found in due course of processing. Documents to prove qualification, Experience, Community, age etc have to be produced as and when called for.
9. Last date of receipt of : 01.02.2017 Wednesday upto 12.00 midnight. applications
10. If Written Test/OMR Test is conducted as a part of the selection Admission Tickets for eligible candidates will be made available in their Profile created after One Time Registration and the date of downloading will be included in the Examination Calender. Candidates can download Admission Ticket for 15 days from this date. Candidates who
have downloaded the Admission Ticket will alone be permitted to attend the examination. (For details please see the General Conditions given below as Part II of this Notification).