Driver Grade 2 Rank List 2016-Eranakulam
Ranked List No. 726/16/DOE Ernakulam
Category No. 753/2012 21.11.2016
The following is the list of candidates found suitable by the Commission on the basis of the Objective Type (OMR valuation) Test held on 03.09.2014 and Practical Test held on 27.07.2016 for selection to the post of Driver Grade II (LDV) (NCA – LC/) in Various Departments in Ernakulam District (Cat.No.750/12)and arranged in the order of merit. The Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 21.11.2016.
The Ranked List will be valid until the candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies notified due to the paucity of candidates belonging to SC Community in the Ranked List published on 29.12.2010 (Cat.No.32/07)for the above post. As the advice for appointment depends on the occurrence of vacancies, there is no guarantee that all candidates included in the list will secure appointment. The candidates remaining in the list at the time of cancellation will have no claim at all for appointment on the basis of the inclusion of their names in the list
According to the existing procedure, re-valuation of answer scripts is not allowed. But re- checking of marks will be done on payment of Rs.75/ -. The fee should be remitted in any one of the Treasuries in the State under the Head of Account “0051 PSC 105 State PSC 99 Examination Fee” and original chalan enclosed with the application. Application for rechecking of answer scripts should be submitted in the prescribed form available free of cost from the enquiry sections of the various offices of the Commission or its photocopy or downloaded and prrinted in A4 size paper from the Commission’s Website ) /or photocopied there from.
Applications submitted in any other manner will not be considered, The original chalan receipt together with the application for rechecking should reach the District
Officer, KPSC District Officer, Eastern Entry Tower,South Railwary Station, Ernakulam within 45 days from the date on which the Ranked List is brought into force. The fee once remitted will not be refunded on any account.
Candidates who wish to obtain a photocopy of their OMR answer sheet (Part A& B) relating to this selection shall remit a fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred only) by way of chalan in any of the Treasuries in the State (Head of account 0051 PSC -800 State PSC- 99 other receipts). The duly filled up application in the prescribed form (available from the Commission’s website) along with the original chalan should be submitted submitted to the District Officer, KPSC District Ofice, Eastern Entry Tower, South
Railway Station, Ernakulam within 45 days from the date on which the Ranked List is brought into force. Copy of the answer sheet will be issued only once to a candidate. Candidates are prohibited from applying for copy of answer sheet which is not their own, and legal proceedings will be intimated against those who do so.
“Any candidate can relinquish his/her right for appointment in writing duly attested by a Gazetted Officer of State/Central Government with signature, name, designation and Office Seal. The request for relinquishment received within 15 days from the date of publication of Ranked List will be honoured against the requisitions of vacancies that are pending with the Commission up to the finalisation of Ranked List. After the publication of the Ranked List, the request for relinquishment will be considered only if such request is received on or before the date of receipt of requisition, based on which he/she is to be advised”.
Valid applications for Re-checking/photocopy of Answer Script addressed to the District Officer, Kerala Public Service Commission District Ofice, Eastern Entry Tower, South Railway Station, Ernakulam shall reach this office within 45 days from the date on which the Ranked List is brought into force. The last date for receipt of applications for rechecking/photocopy of the Answer Script is 05.01.17. Applications for rechecking/ photocopy received after the prescribed time limit and not in the prescribed form will not be entertained.
Letter ‘Z’ Shall be prefixed to the Register Number to denote Common Test.
(By Order of the Commission)
Approved for issue
Section Officer
E VII Section
Approval Copy of Ranked List for the post of DRIVER GR.II – NCA -LC/AI on 9190-15780 in VARIOUS Ernakulam District.
Ranked List No. 726/16/DOE Cat.No. 753/12
The following is the list of candidates for selection to the post of DRIVER GR.II-NCA-LC/AI on 9190-15780 in VARIOUS Departments in Ernakulam District , (Cat.No.753/12) found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit, for recruitment against NCA vacancies for LC/AI community. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 21.11.2016 and will be valid until candidates are advised and appointed against vacancies that arise due to the paucity of LC/AI candidates, during the currency of Ranked List published on 29/12/2010 for the above post. (Cat.No.32/07)
Rank Reg.No. Name Test Prac. Wtg. Total DOB Commy. Remarks
1 122563 SHIBU JOSEPH V J 56.00 25 81.00 02/05/75 LC
2 124570 JINU VINCENT 54.67 25 79.67 25/05/78 LC
3 115873 SEBASTIAN C T 50.33 20 3.88 74.21 28/12/80 LC SP
4 114860 SAMSON ANTONY T J 53.67 20 73.67 21/10/85 LC
5 122142 PAULSON SUNIL 51.67 20 71.67 25/05/79 AI
Office of the
Kerala Public Service Commission
District Office, Ernakulam
Approved for issue
Section Officer