

Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration system exclusively from qualified candidates belonging to reservation group of communities of Kerala State viz Scheduled Caste for NCA vacancy for selection to the under mentioned post.

1. Department : Scheduled Caste Development
2. Name of post : Male Warden
3. Scale of pay : ` 18,000 – 41,500/-
4. Number of vacancies : Community wise

Community Name of District and Number of vacancies

Scheduled Caste (SC) Palakkad – 01 (One)

Notes : (i) Conventional type applications will be summarily rejected. Candidates shall apply only through online facility available at the Kerala Public Service Commission website viz
(ii) Applications submitted by candidates belonging to the communities other than those notified will be summarily rejected. No rejection memo will be issued to these candidates.
(iii) A Ranked lists will be prepared for above district in pursuance of this notification. Ranked List thus prepared and published by the Commission shall remain in force until candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies earmarked for the above community, but remain unfilled due to paucity of candidates during the currency of the Ranked List published for the post in the following dates in the following district as detailed below.


Name of District Date of publication of Ranked List Category No.

Palakkad 24.04.2015 298/2012

(iv) The candidates should submit application for the post to Palakkad district where the vacancy is in existing for their respective community and shall note

the name of that district against the relevant column in the online application.
(v) The selection in pursuance of the notification will be made on a revenue district basis, subject to the special conditions laid down in G.O. (Ms)No.154/71/PD dated, 27.05.1971. A candidate advised for appointment in one revenue district from the Ranked List prepared is not eligible for transfer to another district unless he/she completes five years continuous service from the date of commencement of service in the former district. Even if transfer is allowed after five years, it will be subject to the rules in G.O(MS)No.4/61/PD, dated

02.1.1961. Candidates already in Government service holding this post in any one district are prohibited from applying again for this post, but they can apply to higher posts when notified.
5. Method of appointment : Direct Recruitment (From candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste community only).

6 Age : 18-41. Only candidates born between 2.1.1975 and
1.1.1998 (both dates included) are eligible to apply

for this post. This includes the relaxation as per para
2 (i) of the General Conditions).

Note :- For concessions allowed in upper age limit, subject to the condition that the maximum age limit shall in no case exceed 50 years, please see para (2) of the General Conditions under Part II of this Notification except Para 2 (i).

7 Qualifications :-

(1) Pass in SSLC or its equivalent qualification.
(2) Three years experience as warden in a hostel recognized by the social welfare Department.
Note :- Female Candiates are not eligible to apply for this post.

The certificate to be produced in proof of experience shall be in the Form given below

Name of the firm :
(Company /Corporation/Government Department /
Co-operative institutions etc)
Register Number :
(SSI Registration or any other Registration Number
and Date of Registration)
Authority issued Registration :


Issued to( here enter Name and Address)……………………………………………….


This is to certify that the above mentioned person has worked/has been working in

this institution as…………………………………………………………………………………………..(here

enter the name of the post held and or the nature of assignment held in the capacity) on

Rs…………….per day/per mensem* for a period of…………years ……..months…………days

from ……………to……………..

Name and Designation of the Issuing Authority

with Name of the Institution
Place :
Date :
(Office Seal)

* Strike out the item which is not applicable.


Certified that Sri/Smt……………………………………………mentioned in the above

experience Certificate has actually worked/is working as…………………………………………….

(specify the nature of employment) in the above Institution during the period mentioned there in as per the entry in the above Register maintained by the employer as per the provision of…………………………….act(Name of Act/Rules to be specified)

I am the authorized person to inspect the Register kept by the employer as per the

provision of the Act/Rules of the…………………………………………………… State/Central Act.
Signature with date,
Name of Attesting Officer with
Designation and Name of Office
Place: who is the notified Enforcement Officer
Date: as per Act/Rules
(Office Seal)


(1) Please specify the post held or nature of assignment, casual Labourer, Paid/ Unpaid Apprentice/Regular worker or Temporary worker.
(2) All Experience certificate shall be duly certified by the concerned Controlling Officer/Head of Office of the Government. The genuineness of the certificate shall be subjected to verification and legal action will be taken against those who issue and produce bogus certificate.

9. Mode of sending application:

Candidates must register as per “ ONE TIME REGISTRATION” with the Official Website of Kerala Public Service Commission ‘’ before applying for the post. Candidates who have registered can apply by logging in to their profile using their User-ID and password. Candidates must click on the `Apply Now’ button of the respective posts in the Notification Link to applying for a post. The photograph uploaded should be one taken on or after 31/12/2010. Name of the candidate and the date of taking photograph should be printed at the bottom portion. The photograph once uploaded meeting all requirements shall valid for 10 years from the date of uploading. There is no change in other instructions regarding the uploading of photographs. No application fee is required. Candidates shall take a printout of the application by clicking the link Registration Card in their profile. Candidates are responsible for the correctness of the personal information and secrecy of password. Before the final submission of the application on the profile, candidates must ensure the correctness of the information on their profile. They must quote their User-ID for further communication with the Commission. Application submitted is provisional and cannot be deleted or altered after submission. The Application will be summarily rejected if noncompliance with the notification is found in due course of processing.

Documents to prove Qualification, experience, Community, age etc. have to be produced as and when called for.
10. Last date of receipt of applications : 14.12.2016, Wednesday upto 12 midnight.

11. Address to which applications are to be sent : www.keralapsc.

12. If a Written Test/OMR/Online Test is conducted as a part of this selection, Admission Ticket for eligible candidates will be made available in their Profile for One Time Registration and the date of downloading will be included in the Examination Calendar. Candidates can download Admission Ticket for 15 days from this date. Candidates who have downloaded the Admission Ticket will alone be permitted to attend the examination.
(For details including photo, ID card etc please see the General Conditions given below as Part II of this Notification).