Applications are invited online only by One Time Registration exclusively from qualified candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribe communities of Kerala State for appointment to the under mentioned post.
1 Department : Education 2 Name of post : Part Time Junior Language Teacher (Arabic) – LPS 3 Scale of pay : ` 18,000-41,500/- (Revised) 4 No. of vacancies : District wise Idukki – Scheduled Caste – 01 (One) Cat.No.29/17 Kozhikkode – Scheduled Tribe – 01 (One) Cat.No.30/17
( Renotification for the post notified as Cat No 246/14 in the gazette dtd 13.05.2014 and as Cat No 357/15 in the gazette dtd 29.09.2015.)
Note:- (i) Conventional type applications for the above post will be summarily rejected. Candidates can apply through online application available at the Kerala Public Service Commission website . (ii) Applications submitted by candidates belonging to the communities other than those notified will be summarily rejected. No rejection memo will be issued. (iii) Separate Ranked List will be prepared for each district in pursuance of this notification. Ranked List thus prepared and published as per this notification shall remain in force until candidates are advised and appointed against the vacancies earmarked for the above communities, but remain unfilled due to paucity of candidates during the currency of the Ranked List published for the post in the following district.