Ld Typist Rank List 2015-Alappuzha
Ranked List for the post of LOWER DIVISION TYPIST – NCA – OX (ALAPPUZHA) on RS 9940-16580/- in VARIOUS DEPARTMENT
Ranked List No. 477/15/OLE Cat. No. 610/2013
The following is the list of candidates for selection to the post of LOWER DIVISION TYPIST – NCA –
OX (ALAPPUZHA) on RS 9940-16580/- in VARIOUS DEPARTMENT, found suitable by the
Commission and arranged in the order of merit, based on the online exam held on 25/05/2015 for
recruitment against NCA vacancies for Other Christians community. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 14/10/2015 and will be valid until candidates are advised and appointed against vacancies that arise due to the paucity of Other Christians candidates, during the currency of Ranked List published on 17/05/2012 for the above post.
Rank Reg.No Name Test Wtg Total DOB Commy Remarks
1 100133 SHEEBA T S 49.67 49.67 10/05/1986 OX-SAMBAVAR
2 100276 SHIBY MARKOSE 46.67 46.67 10/04/1980 OX-PULAYAN
3 100242 MINIMOL V P 45.67 45.67 18/05/1977 OX-PULAYA
4 100232 RENI E 41.00 41.00 30/05/1986 OX-KURAVA
5 100216 LISSY MATHEW 36.67 36.67 20/05/1976 OX-SAMBAVAR
6 100263 PRINCE XAVIER M 35.33 35.33 20/07/1989 OX-PULAYAN
7 100255 SHEENA JACOB 35.00 35.00 24/08/1982 OX-CHERAMAR
8 100073 RAJI L 35.00 35.00 25/05/1989 OX-CHERAMAR
9 100220 JESMY M JOSE 34.33 34.33 21/05/1982 OX-CHERAMAR
10 100284 DILEEPKUMAR STEEPHEN 34.00 34.00 25/05/1976 OX-CHERAMAR
Note (1) : Candidates who wish to obtain a printout of their answer sheet relating to this selection shall remit the fee
of Rs. 300/- in any of the Treasuries in the State (head of account: 0051 PSC-800-State PSC-99-othe
receipts. The duly filled in application in the prescribed form (available from the Commission’s websit
www.keralapsc.gov.in) along with the original chalan should be submitted to the Joint Secretary (Onlin
Examinations), Kerala Public Service Commission, Pattom, Thiruvananthapuram – 4 within 45 days from th date of approval of this ranked list (on or before 28/11/2015 ). The printout of the answer sheet will be issue only once to a candidate. Printout of answer sheets invalidated due to any defect will not be issued Candidates are prohibited from applying for printout of the answer sheet which is not their own, and lega proceedings will be initiated against those who do so.
Rank Reg.No Name Test Wtg Total DOB Commy Remarks
Note (2) : Any candidate can relinquish his/her right for appointment in writing duly attested by a Gazetted Officer o
State/Central Govenment with signature, name, designation and office seal. The request for relinquishmen
received within 15 days from the date of publication of ranked list will be honoured against the requisitions o
vacancies that are pending with the Commission up to the finalization of the Ranked list. After the publicatio
of the Ranked List, the request for relinquishment will be considered only if such request is received on o
before the date of receipt of requisition, based on which he/she is to be advised.
Kerala Public Service Commission
Head Office,Thiruvananthapuram Head Office,Thiruvananthapuram
Approved for issue,
Section Officer.